All forms of "corruption" are completely unlawful according to Islam.

In the name of Allah, Most gracious, most merciful.
Corruption is nothing but the act of doing evil things in a way that anyone can get harm. Corruption can be of many types such as bribery, unethical works, nepotism, doing evil works for private gains, adulteration of food and other such crimes. Corruption is a great threat to any society as it hinders the usual development of a nation. Only corrupted people gain while leaving back others into hazards. Corruption arises from moral degradation. Due to corruption, illegal activities are increasing day by day where bribery is in the top list.
An example from Hadith-The Companion of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Abdullah ibn Masud went on record to say: “When a man removes hardship from another and then receives a gift from him, large or small, he has taken something which is haram (unlawful) for him.”
Allah says in the Quran-And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful]} [Quran 2:188]
 Another example from life pf Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)-
The Prophet (PBUH) appointed a number of his companions as the collectors of zakat, during the Medina period. They were to make proper assessments on the items where zakat become payable, collect the proper amounts and distribute to the recipients in the same locality. One of these collectors of zakat came back and told the Prophet (PBUH)"This amount is what I have collected less what I have distributed to the rightful recipients, but this is mine". Prophet (PBUH) was very upset and rebuked him saying, "What right do you have to put aside something that does not belong to you. If you were to remain in your father's house, would you get what you are taking?"
People nowadays take a bribe in such a way that he is taking a gift from the house of his father-in law!
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) cursed the one who offers the bribe and the one who receives it.” (Tirmidhi)
In Islam, all forms of corruption are utterly forbidden. All the corrupted people would definitely be asked and sent to the hell.

Allah says again- "And whoever commits a sin only earns it against himself. And Allah is ever knowing and wise". Qur'an - 4:111

 I wonder to see and hear that human being has no feelings that he or she must die.They will be called upon on the resurrection day which they have no care!!

May Allah bless us with lawful income. Because hell is not the city jail which we people might be thinking!

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