planting a tree is also a charity according to Islam. Plant trees, and save lives.

In the name of Allah , the most Gracious ,most Merciful
Trees are useful and beautiful gift of Almighty . Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance which is so essential for preservation of life on this earth. Existence of man on Earth completely depends on trees.
Trees save the earth in many ways by providing, vegetables, foliage, flowers, spices, cool shade, medicines, roots, etc.  to the man and animals. They also provide timber, fuel wood, bamboos, canes, leaves, fruits, fibres, and grasses. The most valuable things we get from tress are herbs and medicinal plants.. Trees have a direct impact on the climate of a region. They provoke rains and  prevent air pollution. An area lacking of trees will become desert..The roots of trees bind soil and thus help in soil preservation.
Today, Co2 is increased to the great extent because of deforestion  which has resulted in increasing cyclone ,drought, flood, depletion in ground water level ,and earthquake nowadays.
People are required to plant trees to keep the environment safe, divine, and pure. True Muslims are those who plant trees and appreciate others to do so. It comes in a hadith that even if you sow a seed, you will get the reward.
The Prophet Muhamad (PBUH) said the below hadiths to make people understand the importance of planting trees which are as follows:
 “Whenever Muslims plant a tree, they will earn the reward of charity because of the food that comes from it; and likewise what is stolen from it, what the wild beasts eat out of it, what the birds eat out of it, and what people take from it is charity for them” ( Sahih Muslim: hadith no: 2904)
 “If any of you have a date sapling on the doomsday he should plant it -if possible.”
(Bukhara, Edebu'l-mufred, (thk., Halid Abdurrahman), p. 138, Daru'l-Ma'rife, Beirut, 1966).

“Whoever plants a tree is rewarded by Allah as much as the produce grown in that tree.” 
(Ahmad b.Hanbal, Musnad, V, 415.)

“Whoever plants a tree and diligently looks after it until it matures and bears fruit is rewarded,”
(Ahmad b.Hanbal, Musnad, IV, 61, 374) 

“Whoever plants a tree and it matures, Allah plants a tree in paradise for that person.”
(Ahmad b.Hanbal, Musnad, IV, 61).

The Prophet also emphasized the role of love in treating the environment with care and affection. He has expressed his love for Mountain Uhud as“This is a mount which likes us; we also love it.” (Ahmad b.Hanbal, Musnad, IV, 61).
So, we get to understand that how much Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gives importance of planting trees.
Trees are the only cause of getting oxygen. If the earth gets oxygen free, I think we have minimal capabilities to understand what can be happened .No trees, No oxygen, No life. So, it is a request to everyone, you do plant trees for the sake of your life here and after. May Allah help us to understand this simple fact. Ameen.
Please share, comment and encourage your loved one to plant trees. J


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