Performing salat prayer is a great exercise for both body and mind in Islam.

Salat is such an exercise which uplifts a person’s physical and spiritual position. When people get closure towards his own soul performing Salat regularly and correctly, he comes to feel and understand that Allah himself directs his all deeds. If we understand the Psychological depth of this, we may able to realize the very importance of Salat for our daily life here and after.
Salat is a very effective exercise if anybody correctly performs it. There should have been politeness when performing Salat. Obviously, we should perform Salat exactly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed it. It is the matter of great regret that people have invented many systems of Salat which has no relation with Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Salat. If anyone wants to know Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Salat, authentic hadiths have no alternatives. 
Allah says in Quran:: Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. (Al-‘Ankabut 29:45)
Salat has the following effects on body and mind which are:
Diminishes Cholesterol
Prevents Indigestion
Increase the Flow of Blood
Release Tension
Control Obesity
Balance Anabolic and Catabolic Bio Chemical Process
Leg Muscles Get Strong
Maintains Oral Hygiene
Reduces Back Pain
Reduces Toe Pain
Reduces Knee Pain
Reduces Lower Back Pain
Hip Pain Relief
Reduces Ankle Pain Relief
Wrist Pain Relief
Builds Better Abs
Promotes Clean Face
Reduces Anger
May Allah bless us performing Salat daily according to authentic hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If we do research on Salat, we get to know how much lucky we are that Allah gifted us a great exercise both for body and mind.

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