19 rights of child that you must know

Allah has made human life balanced and attractive through children. He can understand only this blessing who does not have children. Those whom Allah has given the sons and daughters have been entrusted with a great responsibility. The biggest failure for parents is that if the child cannot develop idealistically. Because Abu Hurairah came to the hadith narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him), he said: The Messenger of Allah () said,
Each newborn baby was born on the basis of Islam. Then his parents made him a Yahwadi, a nasara or idolaters [Sahih Bukhari: 1358].
The children's rights on us are discussed here:
1. Azan is given in the ear: after coming to the world, bathing and cleaning it, Azan is to be given in his right ear, whether it be a boy or a girl. This is an important responsibility for parents, to deliver the sound of God's supremacy to the child, and to keep the devil awake so that he cannot harm him. Hadith came,
Abu Rafi (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I saw Messenger of Allah (PBUH) calling Azan in the ears of Hasan bin Ali [Sunan Abu Daud: 5105]
2. Put a nice name: Choosing a beautiful name for a child is one of the responsibilities of parents. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) changed many ugly names. [Abu Dawud 495- 4961]
3. Akkikah: One of the issues of Islamic culture is the child's Akkikah. On behalf of the boy, two goats and one goat on behalf of the girl will be sacrificed in the name of Allah.
4. Charity: whether it is a son or a daughter, it is Sunnat to cut hair on the seventh day and to give silver as a charity according to the quantity of the hair. Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, On behalf of him, sacrificed the goat and said, O Fatima! Shave his head and give him silver money. [Shunan al-Tirmidhi: 1519] Besides, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to do Dua for the Tahnik and give blessings to the children with dates. [Sahih Bukhari: 3909; Muslim: 216]
5. Circumcision: circumcision is one of the Sunnah for boys. Came to the hadith,
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Hasan and Hussein had done Akkikah and circumcision on the seventh day of their birth. [Al-muhammadul ausat: 6708]
6. Teaching Tauhid: From the time the child starts talking, he will be taught Tauhid of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him)
“Hey boy! I want to teach you some sentences. You will take care of the rights of Allah, and Allah will take care of you. You will take care of the rights of Allah, you will always be in front of him. Whenever you want something, you will ask Allah. And when you seek help, you will ask Allah. Know it! If the whole nation is united to benefit you, then you will not be able to benefit yourself, only you can do as much as Allah has written for you. And if the whole nation is united to harm you, then you will not be able to do any harm, only you can do as much as Allah has written for you. The pen has finished writing and the papers have dried up. [Tirmidhi: 2516]
7. Teaching Quran: From childhood, the child should be taught the Quran. Because it is obligatory to teach the Quran. Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: He taught you three things to your children. Among them are the teachings of Quran recite the Quran and the knowledge of the Quran. [Jaimul Kabir]
There is no better work than teaching the Quran. Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
"The best person among you is the one who teaches the Qur'an and teaches the other." [Sahih Bukhari: 5027]
8. It is an important right that parents will teach their children prayer and practice prayer. Came to the hadith,
Amr bin Shu'ayb (May Allah be pleased with him) reported his father from his grandfather, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "When you are seven years old, give instructions to your children." And at the age of ten, beating soft for the prayer and varying in the bedroom. [Sunan Abu Dawood: 495]
9. Teaching Etiquettes: Teaching children to behave well is a very important duty for parents. Luqman alaihis salam said to his child, 'Do not turn away from your face to man. And do not go about proudly in the earth; Surely Allah does not like any arrogant. And meditate on your way, lower your voice; surely the worst sound is the voice of the donkey. '[Surah Luqman 18, 19]
10. Give love and affection: Do love your Children and love them warmly. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) kissed Hasan bin Al-'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and said, at that time'Akra ibn Habish (may Allah be pleased with him) was also present. He started saying, "I have ten children, but I have never loved my children." Allah's Messenger (pbuh) looked at him and said, "Allah does not have mercy on anyone who does not have mercy on others." [Sahih Bukhari: 5997]
11. Teaching knowledge of the religion: It is prescribed for the child to teach the knowledge of God. Because if he does not know the knowledge of religion, he will be confused and involved in the sufferers. Hadith has arrived-
Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "It is obligatory for every Muslim to learn. [Sunan Ibn Majah: 224]
12. Raising until adulthood: Children need to be raised until they reach adulthood.
Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I asked the Prophet (pbuh) that if I spend the money for the children of Abu Salam, then what is the reward for me? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'Yes, you will be rewarded for as long as you spend it. [Sahih Bukhari: 5369]
13. Enabling: Enabling children in such a way that they can qualify to earn. Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me, It is better than leaving your children to be able and supportive, leaving them poor and hungry in their hands is not good. [Sahih Bukhari: 1295]
14. Marriage: Marriage in the manner of Sunnah and performing all the functions of marriage and arranging for marriage at the appropriate time is the duty of parents. From Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), it has been stated that surely the child is in the throes of his father, and if he is an adult, a father should arrange a marriage for him. [Jaimul Kabir]
15. Directed on the path of religion: One of the responsibilities of parents is to guide the children on the path of religion, to the Quran and Sunnah, and to get used to the practice of religion. The Quran has come,
Say, 'this is my way. I call to Allah in knowledge and those who follow me, too. God is great, and I am not one of the polytheists. [Surah Yusuf: 108]
16. Justice among children: Children expect justice from parents and justice between them is an important issue. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) specifically warned: "Fear Allah and do justice among your children". [Sahih Bukhari: 2587]
17. Abstain from non-acceptance of Islam: If they do not stop them from doing anything that Islam does not allow, then this child will stand against their parents in Qiyamah. The Quran has come,
O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your family from the fire of hell. [Surah At-Tahrim-6]
And the disbelievers will say, "Show us those who have led us astray among our Lord, the jinn and the people." We will put both of them under our feet so that they may be among the lowest. [Surah Ha-Meem Assezdah-29]
18. Abstaining from sin, self-indulgence, impudence, untowardness: With the coming of the world, Satan conspires to take him in different ways, differently, through clothing, in a different fashion, in different designs, to the name of various education. So parents must be careful and alert about this. Allah said,
O you who believe, some of your husband and wife and children are your enemies. Therefore, take care of them. And if you forgive and forgive and forgive, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Surah taabaaban -14]
19. Doaa: Doa for our children. Allah has taught us Doa, in this way,
The righteous people of Allah, those who say, 'Our Lord, give us wives and children who will cool our eyes.' And make us the leaders of the righteous. [Surah Alfurqan-74]

May Allah guides us towards righteous way. Ameen

16 Etiquette of talking to people you must know

16 Etiquette of talking to people you must know
In dealing with others, Islam has created some rules that should be followed by a Muslim, it should always be firmly believed that he should be accountable for what he says and he will be rewarded for good words and punished for evil.
In verse 18 of Surah Qaf, Allah Almighty says, which means," Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]."
The Prophet (pbuh) warned us that it is very dangerous. According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, in a Sahih Hadith narrated in the Reva, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "A person may say something that is pleasing to Allah, and he does not think too much about it, but Allah gives importance to it and the end for that He is pleased with him on the day of judgement. And a person speaks that it is disliked to Allah but he does not take it seriously, but Allah will be angry at him on the Day of Judgment. "
Conversations can be dangerous. So we will try to control it through the guidance of the Islamic Rule, Allah and His Messenger. Here are some ways to control speech
1. The purpose of your talk should be great and beneficial. If you are unable to speak well, then you should adopt silence, because it is good for you. In a Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment should be good while talking or keep silent."
2. Strive to be truthful and refrain from lying, because the believer is always truthful and does not even resort to falsehood even when doing fun. The Messenger (peace be upon him), narrated in Bukhari and Muslim, says: "You will speak the truth because the truth leads to honesty and honesty leads to Paradise. The person who always speaks the truth and holds the truth, he is considered to be truthful with Allah. Stay away from lying, because the false direction leads to evil and evil is the way of hell. Whoever stays in falsehood and intends to lie, he is regarded as a liar with Allah. "
3. Be careful while talking to whispering, refrain from disobedience to Allah by your words of cheating or wholly, because Allah hates disobedience, curse. Unobtrusive talk is the kind of speech that reveals disobedience to Allah, and cursed speech is to curse others, not to give attention and to hurt others. That is why the Prophet (pbuh) warned us in a Sahih Hadith: "The believer does not blame anyone, does not curse, does not disobey Allah or cheat others."
In another Sahih Hadith he says: "Curse for a Muslim is involved in disobedience." Curse of the deceased is prohibited as it is forbidden and curse on living is also prohibited. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has forbidden us to say: "Do not curse the dead, because they have passed through their earthly deeds." In another Sahih Hadith, he forbids us to say: "Always talk good about the dead."
 4. Refrain from gibah (libel) (in some absence of anything that is said in her presence, she gets hurt) and do not be coward against one another. Stay away from saying Namimah (this is the talk of spreading hatred towards one another), because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in a Sahih Hadith: "He who practices the Namimah cannot enter Paradise."
5. Refrain from taking oath without requiring.  Says: "Do not use Allah's name as a shield for your oaths." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 224)
6. Talk according to your knowledge and skills and do not talk about what you do not know. Allah says: "You do not have any knowledge about which you have no knowledge." (Surah Al-Israah: 36)
7. Speak confidently, do not say what you hear without verifying and confirmation, because you can hear false and true and suspicious conversation from others. If you listen to what you hear, then you will be the sharer of sin. In the Sahih Hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) warned us thus: "It is sufficient for a person to commit sins, so he preaches what he hears."
8. Explain the purpose of saying something while making a conversation with others that make sure that your point of view is to reach the truth and disclose a false statement. And do not be enthusiastic about whether you or someone else has reached the truth or whether it is false.
9. Avoid getting involved in any unnecessary issues (whose main purpose is to defame others or win over others). For this reason, in a Sahih Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned: "They have gone astray despite receiving guidance from God, because they were involved in unnecessary reasoning."
Avoid discussing unnecessarily, though the truth is in your favor. In another Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Abu Daud, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I guarantee a house surrounded by a paradise for the person who does not engage in unnecessary debate despite being correct."
10. Make your statement clear and refined, and avoid the uncomfortable words and avoid unnecessary speech, and do not say anything that would disturb others, because the Prophet (pbuh) used to hate this kind of speech. In a Sahih Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I hate those people, and they will be far away from me on the Day of Resurrection, who speak unnecessarily and condemn others when he talks."
 11. Make your speech understandable, clear, audible, and to others. The Prophet (pbuh) used to repeat the words three times to make sure that it was understandable, but his speech was easy so that everyone could understand.
12. Do not be ridiculed: Be sincere in talking and do not make much mockery, and if you do, try to be truthful like Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
13. Do not disturb him while talking to anyone and keep listening until he completes his speech, and later on, he can make important and important aspects of the good and beneficial aspects of his speech, not that you will talk unnecessarily.
14. Talk and debate, which is beautifully deprived of harm, injury,  and ridicule towards others. All messenger have ordered to use this kind of speech. At the time of sending Moses and his brother Aaron to Pharaoh, Allah said: "When you are presenting your guidance, you will speak humbly with him, maybe he will accept your advice or he will fear me." Surah :Taha 44)
So you are not better than Moses or 'Haroon (peace be upon him), or the one with whom you speak is worse than the Pharaoh.
15. Do not completely exclude someone's statement only because you have found a combination of right and wrong and true or false in his statements. You will accept the truth and the correct statement and only exclude evil and falsehood, and this is the fair order of God to us.
16. Stay away from over self-confidence; Do not present yourself as a supplement or a decision in front of a person, because it is the result of arrogance, which Allah has forbidden us, through the verse 32 of Surah An-Najm, "Therefore do not provoke your hypocrisy. He knows well who is moderate. "

May Allah guide us towards straight path.

What is secularism?

What is secularism?!
The Arabic word 'secularism' has been used in Arabic as the Arabic word -a'lmaani. . So let's see what is secularism (or so-called secularism)? A little question, but his answer should be clear, perfect and detailed. The correct answer to this question is the knowledge of every Muslim. Allah's grace is that, till now, many books have been written on secularism, we only know and act upon our duty.
We now seek answers to the questions, but we will not have to suffer much because, because of the 'secularism' or so-called 'secularism' theory, the written dictionaries in the Western countries have given us freedom from the trouble of finding it. The meaning of secularism in the English dictionary is as follows:
1. Worldly or materialist
2. Not religious or spiritual.
The definition of the word secularism comes in the same dictionary:
"Secularism is such a philosophy, that the character-morality and education cannot be established on religious principles".
In the 'British Encyclopedia' we see, there is a reference to secularism: "Secularism is a social movement, whose sole aim is to bring people back from the worldly life and bring them to the world."
Encyclopedia Britannica which is British Encyclopedia came under the heading of Atheism or 'Atheism' under the heading of secularism. Atheism or atheism has been divided into two categories:
1. Theoretical atheism (إلحاد نظري)
2. Practical atheism (إلحاد عملي).
'Encyclopedia' has included second-class atheism in secularism. From this discussion two things are clear:
One. Secularism is an unbelief philosophy, its sole aim is to free the world from the effects of religion. Secularism is a doctrine, its work is to make its own arrangement for political, economic, social, ideological, and mutual relations and to lead all levels, keeping all subjects of the world free from religious restrictions.
Two Secularism does not have any relation with knowledge or science, as some masked people say to trap people to cheat, secularism means 'to emphasize and create an interest in practical science'.
The misconception of this statement and the trick of concealing truth is evident from our stated meaning, which we have taken from the book 'Secularism', in which the society has been born and cared for.
Therefore, if the meaning of 'Secularism' is to be non-religious, then its subtle explanation and right meaning will be revealed and there will be nothing in it, but the true meaning will be clear.
Various forms of secularism (secularism):
There are two forms of secularism. Which is worse than one of the other:
First form: Direct atheism: This kind of secularism (secularism) denies the religion completely and rejects God's existence. It does not accept any religious fact, but declares war on those who invite to believe in the existence of Allah. Followers of this secularism (secularism) are self-confident and arrogant in their disbelief, indecency and sin. It is easy to understand for all Muslims who have decided in their disbelief. Alhamdulillah it is clear to Muslims in their case. No Muslim gets pushed towards them, except those who want to be separated from the religion. Such secularism (secularism) is less dangerous to the public, they are not able to mislead the common people, but they are not less harmful in the case of rebellion against religion, hostility and hatred with the believers and harassment, or jailed or killed.
Second form: indirect atheism
This atheism does not deny the existence of Allah, but it believes in theoretical belief, it does not accept the authority of religion in worldly life. This type of atheism or secularism (so-called secularism) is far more dangerous in order to deceive and mislead the public. Because they deny the existence of God and do not openly rebel against their religion, so the real state of their disbelief is hidden and obscure to many Muslims.
Due to lack of proper knowledge and adequate knowledge of religion, they do not consider secularism (so-called secularism) as unbelief. For this reason, most of the government of Muslim countries follow the secular (so-called secular) doctrine. Many, but most Muslims do not know their fate.
These types of secularism (secularism) organizations declare war against the followers of religion, but it is certain that no one will say disdain from their disbelief and religion. Because, they did not appear as the first type of public atheism. The proof of the ignorance of the Muslims of their unbelieving unbelievers. I pray to Allah that He gives us the knowledge of all Muslims right. Let the Muslim community understand the religion, they should accept protection from these organizations.
Therefore, any Muslim, aware of religion, is not surprised to hear the name of Allah or the name of the Prophet or the name of Islam in the name of the secular or so-called secular thinkers or in the writings , but they are surprised and wonder that those who do not know their real state.
Both types of secularism (secularism) are clearly unbelief, there is no doubt. If someone accepts any of the mentioned secular ideologies, he will be expelled from Islam and become apostate. May Allah bless us. Because Islam is full-fledged religion and life rule, it has clear provisions in all areas of human life, whether it is spiritual, political, economic, and characteristic or a social section. Islam does not allow any theory to interfere in its laws. It is obligatory for every Muslim to enter every branch of Islam completely. Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"O you who believe, you shall enter Islam completely"
"Do you believe in part of the Book, and deny some part of it?" So what can you be rewarded, except those who do so humiliation in the life of the world? And on the Day of Resurrection, they will be thrown into a severe punishment. Allah is not neglectful of what you do."
Any fact that has been proved in Islam is rejected, it is disbelieving and misguided, although its refusal is very similar and little. Therefore, rejecting all the provisions of Islam related to worldly politics, the unbelievers are not saying, such as secularism or followers of secularism.
Secondly, there are also reasons for the destruction of Islam among the followers of secularism, as they believe that the ideals of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are better than any other person, and according to his judgment, it is better to judge others. That is why they are also disbeliever.
We have divided secularism directly into two groups of atheism and indirect atheism, because common people understand that atheism is to deny the existence of God, whereas secularism or so-called secularism is also an atheism, but a section of atheism is secularism or so-called secularism.
Conflicts of indirect atheism or secularism with religion are not clear to many, because religion is summation of some religious beliefs to them. Thus, indirect secularism (indirect secularism), since does not prohibit the prayer and the hajj of Baitullah Sharif, they have assumed that secularism is not anti-people. But those who understand properly, they must know that secularism (so-called secularism) is contrary to any religion.

May Allah give us strength to research on Islam. Ameen

The qualities of a successful Guardian (part 2)

The qualities of a successful Guardian (part 2)

Three: Show kindness and tenderness and stay away from violence
Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) said in a narration: The Messenger of Allah () said, 'Surely Allah is merciful, He loves softness. He contrasts softness that he does not contradict violence, and does not contradict other than the softness. [Muslim]
Narrated from Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) , the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him\) said, "Allah is very tender, He loves softness in all things." [Bukhari and Muslim]Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in a narration, he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah pbuh) saying that he who is deprived of softness is deprived of all good. [Muslim]
Narrated from Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her): The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) once called him, O 'Aisha ! Be gentle; because when Allah wants to help the welfare of any family, he shows them the way of softness - According to another narration - When Allah wants the welfare of a family, he will enter the softness between them. [Ahmad]
A very bright example of showing softness to children is the incident of Hassan and Hussein (rajy) on the sacred back of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) while sitting. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "We were praying with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to pray isha, 'Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was praying. When he prostrated Hassan and Hussein (Razi) would jump on his back. When he raised his head from prostrating, he kept them firmly. When he went to prostrate again, he would return. Then, when he finished the prayer, he put one here and the other there. I went to Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, "O Messenger of Allah!" Who am I going to take them to their mom? He said, no. Then there was a sudden lightning in the sky. He said to them, "Go to your mother." They went home to walk in the light of lightning. [Hakim: 3/167]

Four: A heart full of love and affection
A Guardian's heart must be full of love and affection. It is not possible for a heartless, hard-hearted person to be responsible for the Guardianship. Abu Sulaiman Malik Ibn Huaires said:
We came to some of the young people of Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and stayed for twenty days. He was gentle and merciful to us. He thought that we had eagerly waited to meet our family members. He asked us about our family, we told him about this. Then he said to us, "Go back to your family, stay so long." When it is time to pray, one of you will give Azan, and the eldest in your age, he will be leading it. [Bukhari and Muslim]
Narrated by Ibn 'Umar (may Allah have mercy on him) that Prophet (pbuh) said,
'Every tree has its fruit, and the fruit of the liver is the child. Allah does not show mercy to a person who does not show mercy to his child. Whose hand is my soul, and no one will enter Paradise without being merciful. We said, O Messenger of Allah! We are all compassionate. He said, "Being one of you means not to be gracious to his companion. Rather, mercy and compassion are towards people. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Five: Avoid anger
One of the qualities of a successful Guardian is to set aside the anger; because anger, fury, and boredom are a negative quality in education. Socially it is an unwanted practice. If man can control his anger, he can digest, but he will bring well-being for himself and children. On the contrary, the result will be reverse. One person asks for a special advice to Allah's Messenger (pbuh), he would advise him not to become angry. [Dr: Silsilatul Ahadis al Shahihah: 938]

Not only that, but he regarded controlling anger as a genuine heroism. Abu Huraira (ra'i) comes from a narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The hero is not the one who can beat others in the wrestling. Rather, the brave can control himself in the time of anger. ' [Bukhari and Muslim]

Six: Moderate resort
Hard line is a quality condemning in all cases. That is why we see that in the second pillar of Islam, he liked the use of mediocrity. Abu Masud, Uqbah ibn Umar al-Badri, said that
A man came to Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, "I do not come to the Fajr prayer due to that person." He has long been praying with us. When Messenger of Allah (PBUH) heard it, he became so angry that he did not make any other speeches before that. Then he said: "O people! Surely there are some of you who are deceptive, so whoever among you may chastise; because there are old people, children and needy people behind him '. [Bukhari and Muslim]
There is a saying about moderate issues that are good. Therefore, a Guardian must adopt a moderate approach to the care of his children.
Only those found above can be expected to achieve success in the field of Guardianship only if the above-mentioned qualities are found in someone else's case.
May Allah bless us. Ameen