The qualities of a successful Guardian (part 2)

The qualities of a successful Guardian (part 2)

Three: Show kindness and tenderness and stay away from violence
Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) said in a narration: The Messenger of Allah () said, 'Surely Allah is merciful, He loves softness. He contrasts softness that he does not contradict violence, and does not contradict other than the softness. [Muslim]
Narrated from Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) , the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him\) said, "Allah is very tender, He loves softness in all things." [Bukhari and Muslim]Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in a narration, he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah pbuh) saying that he who is deprived of softness is deprived of all good. [Muslim]
Narrated from Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her): The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) once called him, O 'Aisha ! Be gentle; because when Allah wants to help the welfare of any family, he shows them the way of softness - According to another narration - When Allah wants the welfare of a family, he will enter the softness between them. [Ahmad]
A very bright example of showing softness to children is the incident of Hassan and Hussein (rajy) on the sacred back of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) while sitting. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "We were praying with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to pray isha, 'Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was praying. When he prostrated Hassan and Hussein (Razi) would jump on his back. When he raised his head from prostrating, he kept them firmly. When he went to prostrate again, he would return. Then, when he finished the prayer, he put one here and the other there. I went to Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, "O Messenger of Allah!" Who am I going to take them to their mom? He said, no. Then there was a sudden lightning in the sky. He said to them, "Go to your mother." They went home to walk in the light of lightning. [Hakim: 3/167]

Four: A heart full of love and affection
A Guardian's heart must be full of love and affection. It is not possible for a heartless, hard-hearted person to be responsible for the Guardianship. Abu Sulaiman Malik Ibn Huaires said:
We came to some of the young people of Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and stayed for twenty days. He was gentle and merciful to us. He thought that we had eagerly waited to meet our family members. He asked us about our family, we told him about this. Then he said to us, "Go back to your family, stay so long." When it is time to pray, one of you will give Azan, and the eldest in your age, he will be leading it. [Bukhari and Muslim]
Narrated by Ibn 'Umar (may Allah have mercy on him) that Prophet (pbuh) said,
'Every tree has its fruit, and the fruit of the liver is the child. Allah does not show mercy to a person who does not show mercy to his child. Whose hand is my soul, and no one will enter Paradise without being merciful. We said, O Messenger of Allah! We are all compassionate. He said, "Being one of you means not to be gracious to his companion. Rather, mercy and compassion are towards people. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Five: Avoid anger
One of the qualities of a successful Guardian is to set aside the anger; because anger, fury, and boredom are a negative quality in education. Socially it is an unwanted practice. If man can control his anger, he can digest, but he will bring well-being for himself and children. On the contrary, the result will be reverse. One person asks for a special advice to Allah's Messenger (pbuh), he would advise him not to become angry. [Dr: Silsilatul Ahadis al Shahihah: 938]

Not only that, but he regarded controlling anger as a genuine heroism. Abu Huraira (ra'i) comes from a narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The hero is not the one who can beat others in the wrestling. Rather, the brave can control himself in the time of anger. ' [Bukhari and Muslim]

Six: Moderate resort
Hard line is a quality condemning in all cases. That is why we see that in the second pillar of Islam, he liked the use of mediocrity. Abu Masud, Uqbah ibn Umar al-Badri, said that
A man came to Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, "I do not come to the Fajr prayer due to that person." He has long been praying with us. When Messenger of Allah (PBUH) heard it, he became so angry that he did not make any other speeches before that. Then he said: "O people! Surely there are some of you who are deceptive, so whoever among you may chastise; because there are old people, children and needy people behind him '. [Bukhari and Muslim]
There is a saying about moderate issues that are good. Therefore, a Guardian must adopt a moderate approach to the care of his children.
Only those found above can be expected to achieve success in the field of Guardianship only if the above-mentioned qualities are found in someone else's case.
May Allah bless us. Ameen


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