What is secularism?

What is secularism?!
The Arabic word 'secularism' has been used in Arabic as the Arabic word -a'lmaani. . So let's see what is secularism (or so-called secularism)? A little question, but his answer should be clear, perfect and detailed. The correct answer to this question is the knowledge of every Muslim. Allah's grace is that, till now, many books have been written on secularism, we only know and act upon our duty.
We now seek answers to the questions, but we will not have to suffer much because, because of the 'secularism' or so-called 'secularism' theory, the written dictionaries in the Western countries have given us freedom from the trouble of finding it. The meaning of secularism in the English dictionary is as follows:
1. Worldly or materialist
2. Not religious or spiritual.
The definition of the word secularism comes in the same dictionary:
"Secularism is such a philosophy, that the character-morality and education cannot be established on religious principles".
In the 'British Encyclopedia' we see, there is a reference to secularism: "Secularism is a social movement, whose sole aim is to bring people back from the worldly life and bring them to the world."
Encyclopedia Britannica which is British Encyclopedia came under the heading of Atheism or 'Atheism' under the heading of secularism. Atheism or atheism has been divided into two categories:
1. Theoretical atheism (إلحاد نظري)
2. Practical atheism (إلحاد عملي).
'Encyclopedia' has included second-class atheism in secularism. From this discussion two things are clear:
One. Secularism is an unbelief philosophy, its sole aim is to free the world from the effects of religion. Secularism is a doctrine, its work is to make its own arrangement for political, economic, social, ideological, and mutual relations and to lead all levels, keeping all subjects of the world free from religious restrictions.
Two Secularism does not have any relation with knowledge or science, as some masked people say to trap people to cheat, secularism means 'to emphasize and create an interest in practical science'.
The misconception of this statement and the trick of concealing truth is evident from our stated meaning, which we have taken from the book 'Secularism', in which the society has been born and cared for.
Therefore, if the meaning of 'Secularism' is to be non-religious, then its subtle explanation and right meaning will be revealed and there will be nothing in it, but the true meaning will be clear.
Various forms of secularism (secularism):
There are two forms of secularism. Which is worse than one of the other:
First form: Direct atheism: This kind of secularism (secularism) denies the religion completely and rejects God's existence. It does not accept any religious fact, but declares war on those who invite to believe in the existence of Allah. Followers of this secularism (secularism) are self-confident and arrogant in their disbelief, indecency and sin. It is easy to understand for all Muslims who have decided in their disbelief. Alhamdulillah it is clear to Muslims in their case. No Muslim gets pushed towards them, except those who want to be separated from the religion. Such secularism (secularism) is less dangerous to the public, they are not able to mislead the common people, but they are not less harmful in the case of rebellion against religion, hostility and hatred with the believers and harassment, or jailed or killed.
Second form: indirect atheism
This atheism does not deny the existence of Allah, but it believes in theoretical belief, it does not accept the authority of religion in worldly life. This type of atheism or secularism (so-called secularism) is far more dangerous in order to deceive and mislead the public. Because they deny the existence of God and do not openly rebel against their religion, so the real state of their disbelief is hidden and obscure to many Muslims.
Due to lack of proper knowledge and adequate knowledge of religion, they do not consider secularism (so-called secularism) as unbelief. For this reason, most of the government of Muslim countries follow the secular (so-called secular) doctrine. Many, but most Muslims do not know their fate.
These types of secularism (secularism) organizations declare war against the followers of religion, but it is certain that no one will say disdain from their disbelief and religion. Because, they did not appear as the first type of public atheism. The proof of the ignorance of the Muslims of their unbelieving unbelievers. I pray to Allah that He gives us the knowledge of all Muslims right. Let the Muslim community understand the religion, they should accept protection from these organizations.
Therefore, any Muslim, aware of religion, is not surprised to hear the name of Allah or the name of the Prophet or the name of Islam in the name of the secular or so-called secular thinkers or in the writings , but they are surprised and wonder that those who do not know their real state.
Both types of secularism (secularism) are clearly unbelief, there is no doubt. If someone accepts any of the mentioned secular ideologies, he will be expelled from Islam and become apostate. May Allah bless us. Because Islam is full-fledged religion and life rule, it has clear provisions in all areas of human life, whether it is spiritual, political, economic, and characteristic or a social section. Islam does not allow any theory to interfere in its laws. It is obligatory for every Muslim to enter every branch of Islam completely. Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"O you who believe, you shall enter Islam completely"
"Do you believe in part of the Book, and deny some part of it?" So what can you be rewarded, except those who do so humiliation in the life of the world? And on the Day of Resurrection, they will be thrown into a severe punishment. Allah is not neglectful of what you do."
Any fact that has been proved in Islam is rejected, it is disbelieving and misguided, although its refusal is very similar and little. Therefore, rejecting all the provisions of Islam related to worldly politics, the unbelievers are not saying, such as secularism or followers of secularism.
Secondly, there are also reasons for the destruction of Islam among the followers of secularism, as they believe that the ideals of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are better than any other person, and according to his judgment, it is better to judge others. That is why they are also disbeliever.
We have divided secularism directly into two groups of atheism and indirect atheism, because common people understand that atheism is to deny the existence of God, whereas secularism or so-called secularism is also an atheism, but a section of atheism is secularism or so-called secularism.
Conflicts of indirect atheism or secularism with religion are not clear to many, because religion is summation of some religious beliefs to them. Thus, indirect secularism (indirect secularism), since does not prohibit the prayer and the hajj of Baitullah Sharif, they have assumed that secularism is not anti-people. But those who understand properly, they must know that secularism (so-called secularism) is contrary to any religion.

May Allah give us strength to research on Islam. Ameen


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