Different aspects of women rights (financial) in Islam (part 5)

Different aspects of women rights (financial) in Islam
In Islam, men and women are equal to the creator and almighty Allah SW. Islam gives women social, financial, and marriage rights. There are so many verses in Quran that describes the rights of women in every sphere of their life. In Islam, a lady is the person of utmost respect. Islam never allows the exhibition of woman body in the name of women rights and independence. How do you manage your most valuable things? For example, wallet, valuable jewelry. You take the best care and try to give the best security of these. In Islam, men are asked to take care of their women in that way. For instance, women are not for exhibiting as a model while vehicle’s advertisement goes on. People usually think if you advertise your product by a woman, it would pull the crowd. They are basically using the beauty of a woman for business. An ethically minded person can understand; this type of marketing techniques are completely disrespecting the womanhood.
Let’s come to the financial aspects of women in Islam. In Islam, a woman inherits. In many religion, a woman is not allowed to inherit. She does not have any share in the property left behind by her family members. Some may ask why do women inherit half according to Islamic law. They try to say Islam subjugates a woman. If you analyze the Quran and authentic hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, you would be wondered to see the wisdom of Allah SW. The reason is, in Islam, the financial burden is completely on the shoulder of men. Before marriage, the financial burden should bear by her father or brother. After marriage, it is her husband who should meet her all financial aspects.
Allah says in Quran: “Allah thus commands you concerning your children: the share of the male is like that of two females. If (the heirs of the deceased are) more than two daughters, they shall have two-thirds of the inheritance; and if there is only one daughter, then she shall have half the inheritance. If the deceased has any offspring, each of his parents shall have a sixth of the inheritance; and if the deceased has no child and his parents alone inherit him, then one-third shall go to his mother; and if the deceased has brothers and sisters, then one-sixth shall go to his mother. All these shares are to be given after payment of the bequest he might have made or any debts outstanding against him.
You do not know which of them, your parents or your children, are more beneficial to you. But these portions have been determined by Allah, for He indeed knows all, is cognizant of all beneficent considerations”. Quran 4:11
“And to you belongs half of whatever has been left behind by your wives if they die childless; but if they have any children then to you belongs a fourth of what they have left behind, after payment of the bequest they might have made or any debts outstanding against them. And to them belongs a fourth of what you leave behind if you die childless; and if you have any child then to them belongs one-eighth of what you have left behind,22 after the payment of the bequest you might have made or any debts outstanding against you.18 And if the man or woman has no heir in the direct line, but has a brother or sister, then each of these shall inherit one-sixth; but if they are more than two, then they shall inherit one-third of the inheritance,23 after the payment of the bequest that might have been made or any debts outstanding against the deceased, providing that the bequest causes no injury.24 This is a commandment from Allah; Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing”. Quran 4:12
This is true that most of the times women get half what men inherit. The logical reason behind it is –since a man should bear all financial burden, not a woman. A woman can keep all her property or wealth which she inherits or earns for herself only. No one can force her according to Islam. She does not need to meet the financial aspects of her family. It is the duty of man only. A man cannot avoid his financial duty towards his family. A woman is absolutely free to keep all her wealth for herself. I think, Allah SW gave the best freedom to a woman in Islam.  A woman in Islam is financially more secured than a man. A woman in Islam financially more protected than a man.
(To be continued)