21 surprising facts about Islam you must know

Ø  "Islam" signifies "surrender" or "accommodation". "Salam" (which signifies "peace") is the root expression of "Islam". In a religious setting "Islam" signifies "the surrendering of one's will (without impulse) to the genuine will of God with an end goal to accomplish peace"
Ø  There is an expected 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet, which is around 1/5 of the total populace. Because of birth and transformation rates. The conversion rate into Islam is very high in Europe and USA.
Ø  Muslims are found among practically all ethnic gatherings, nationalities, and nations. Islam is the world's quickest developing religion by the quantity of transformations consistently. The religion started in Arabia, yet today 80% of all devotees to Islam live outside the Arab world.
Ø  The Quran focuses on that there ought to be resistance amongst Muslims and non-Muslims. Islam shows that every individual is in charge of his or her activities. On Judgment Day, Muslims trust that everybody will be revived and must reply to God for each word, thought, and deed.
Ø  The essential convictions one must have kept in mind the end goal to be viewed as a Muslim incorporate a confidence in 1) the One God; 2) every one of the prophets of God, say, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jacob, Issac, Muhammad (pbuh).
Ø  Muslim researcher Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), who was conceived in A.D 965, detailed the logical technique and has been alluded to as "the world's initially genuine researcher." He is likewise frequently viewed as the principal hypothetical physicist.
Ø  Cosmology was imperative to Muslims since it could be utilized to make sense of the bearing of Mecca with the goal that individuals knew which approach to confronting amid petitions. This is one example that the Western world is still stuck by Muslim advancements.
Ø  One hadith (saying or deed of prophet Muhammad pbuh) is "Allah is wonderful and adores magnificence" Beauty has dependably been, subsequently, critical to Muslims, and improvements in the visual expressions, for example, design, calligraphy, painting, materials, metal work, and pottery were energized. In any case, as a result of strict laws against worshipful admiration, customary Islamic craftsmanship maintained a strategic distance from pictures of people or creatures.
Ø  Islam was actualized in Spain for more than six hundred years in which it brought peace and soundness. Mosques and structures in Islamic Spain additionally had probably the loveliest engineering outlines, for instance, the Alhambra Palace.
Ø  Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are Islam's three heavenly urban communities. 33% of the Quran talks about past prophets and critical figures like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mary and so on .
Ø  It is a great miracle that Quran is the most memorized book on the planet. There are various Muslims who don't convey in Arabic as their first dialect yet has held the whole Quran. For sure, even children as young as four or five have recollected the Quran off by heart.
Ø  The Quran has not been altered or fabricated since its revelation 1400 years ago. Thomas Jefferson, one of the setting up fathers of America had his own special copy of the Quran which he used to examine
Ø  Islam concentrates on the centrality of being kind to any person. Honestly the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that "Paradise lies underneath the feet of your mother". He moreover said that being minding to ones Watchmen is the second most venerated act by God.
Ø  Muslims assume that Islam, or quiet convenience to God, was the message of Abraham and, in this way, Islam really backpedals to the Abraham, who lived before Muhammad (seventh century A.D.)
Ø  In the midst of the Middle Ages, the Muslim world had two immense business central focuses: 1) they had an enormous extent of contacts, so they could trade everything structure African gold to Chinese porcelain to European brilliant and stows away, and 2) Muslim craftsmanship pros were exceptionally skilled, which suggested their stock continually found a readied showcase. In past Yugoslavia, more than 200,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed as an element of an unfathomable ethnic-decontaminating exertion in the mid-1990s
Ø  About 5– 8 million Muslims live in the United States, and there are more than 1,200 mosques. Muslims have been a bit of the social scene in America as far back as two hundred years.
Ø  Muslims don't believe in the possibility of exceptional sin, so there is no philosophical necessity for the all-giving repentance give up of Jesus through his execution and restoration. Muslims believe we will be viewed as dependable before God for our own specific exercises and responsible for our own salvation.
Ø  Islam does not have a designated service or delegates of an assembly levels of leadership in the way that Christianity does. Any Muslim can lead the supplication or direct at a wedding. In any case, each mosque has an imam or the individual who "stays in front" to supplicate and pass on the sermon.
Ø  Jesus is a basic figure in the Quran. Muslim believe that Jesus was born without any father which is another miracle of God. Muslims do not believe in trinity.however Muslims don't trust Jesus is the Son of God. He is one in the long line of commendable prophets and second just to Muhammad in hugeness. For Muslims, the possibility of the Trinity addresses a kind of polytheism.
Ø  To wind up perceptibly Muslim, a man of any race or culture must express an essential announcement, or philosophy: the Shahada, which stands firm concerning the trust in the quirk of God and in Muhammad as His prophet
Ø  The Quran communicates that "There is to be no drive in religion" and that God has made not one yet rather various nations and society.