Different aspects of women's right in Islam (part 1)

Different aspects of women's right in Islam (part 1)

In the name of Allah the most glorious, most merciful
The topic of Woman's right in Islam is often misunderstood for no reason. In Islam, woman's right has been socially and legally protected. Woman's rights according to Oxford dictionary means 'Rights that promote social and legal equality of women with men''. Islam has uplifted the status of woman in the family and society in the same way. Islam gave woman their actual rights fourteen hundred years ago.
Allah says in the Noble Quran: “And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women. “Quran 2:228
If we read Babylonian civilization, at that time if a man committed murder, instantly his wife was put to death. If we read the history of Greek civilization, they had the mythological person, named Pandora, who was a lady and was the cause of evil and misfortune in society. In this society, women are used for sex and pleasure only. If we read the history of Roman civilization, we get to know a man had the right even to kill his wife. Nudity and prostitution were common. In the Egyptian civilization, women were considered as a sign of the devil. If we come to know about Arab civilization, before the Quran was revealed, when a girl child was born, she was buried alive.
In Europe until the 19th century, the woman did not has the right to own their own property and wealth. When they were married, the property either had been transferred to her husband or she cannot use it without the permission of their husband. In the UK, women were given some property rights after passing the law in 1860. The act is known as ‘’married women property Act”. More than the 1400 year ago, that right was properly established in Islamic law.
After the revelation of Quran on the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the horrifying situation of woman got to have an end. If a person wants to judge women's right in Islam, he should not judge what Muslims do, he should judge according to the authentic source of Islam, for example, the last and final revelation that is Quran and authentic hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. People judge the aspect of woman rights in Islam only judging by a single verse of Quran while ignoring the other verses. The Quran should be read as a whole. If we read the Quran as a whole, most of the differences would be solved. Islam says men and women are equal but not identical. Depending upon the biological, psychological, physical and physiological makeup of men and women, there prevail differences. (To be continued)
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