Different aspects of women rights (financial) in Islam (part 4)

Different aspects of women rights (financial) in Islam (part 4)
When we talk about women rights in Islam, the first thing knocks at our mind is economic rights. Economic rights are such rights which make women strong on their own position. Many people have this belief that women in Islam are deprived of economic rights. Which is absolutely untrue. Islam is only the religion that gave women their due economic rights fourteen hundred years ago. Islam gave women their due economic rights thirteen hundred years before the western world. When the Quran was revealed, at the advent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, any adult woman in Islam can own and disown any property without the permission of her husband. The westerners gave this right only to the married women in 1860’s under special “married women property act”. So, Islam is far advance at this matter.

In Islam, a woman is financially more secured. Before she is married, it is the duty of her father and her brother, and after she is married, it’s the duty of her husband and son to look after her financial aspects, for instance, living, fooding, clothing and all other financial aspects. She need not work for these as financially she is secured. In Islam, the financial burden is always upon men. The financial burden is put on the shoulders of men in Islam. But, if any condition arises that a woman needs to work, it should be within the purview of Islamic law. She should maintain the hijab and follows the Quran and authentic hadith. There is no verse in the Quran that prohibits a woman to work as long as it is not against the Quran and authentic hadiths. There are many professions which exhibit the body. For example, modeling, dancing, acting, etc. these are prohibited and haram in Islam. Moreover, if all the Islamic requirements she meets for working, whatever she earns, she need not spend it for her family. She can keep it for herself. This is her right according to Islam. If she herself wants to spend for her family, there she can. This is all her own decision and wish. Her husband cannot force her regarding this matter. Actually, no one can force her.
In Islam, at the time of marriage, a woman receives the gift from her husband which is called Mahr or Marital gift and is compulsory according to Islamic law. Without Mahr or marital gift, a marriage cannot solemnize in Islam. Allah says in the Quran:
Give women their bridal-due in good cheer (considering it a duty); but if they willingly remit any part of it, consume it with good pleasure.”” Quran: 4:4
 To demand any kind of dowry directly or indirectly from would be wife is absolutely haram and prohibited in Islam. If the woman is very rich, it is still her husband duty to look after her and meet all her financial aspects. If any divorce takes place or she becomes a widow, she gets her maintenance till her “IDDAT” or waiting period. If she is pregnant by that time, she gets maintenance till she gives delivery of the child. She even gets the financial support till the child grows up.
A woman is not a commodity to exhibit and not a toy of amusement but a rahmat to a family.She is a real partner to her husband who deserves utmost respect according to Islam. Though western society barks rigorously for women rights, they are exhibiting women in all aspects of their business which is prohibited according to Islam.
To be continued


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