10 Islam and Imaan devastating work you must avoid

All praise is due to Allah. Darood and Salam should be sent down on the Prophet PUBH, after who there is no other prophet. Further Darood and Salam should be given to his family class, companionship and followers of his guidance.
So, O Muslim brother! Find out that Allah (SWT) has made it mandatory for all the servants to enter Islam, to grasp it and to remain vigilant against it. And the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been sent to invite towards the true path. Allah declares that the person who follows the Prophet (peace be upon him) will be guided, and whoever turns away from him will be misled.
Islam devastating work is the highest of 10, which is mentioned by Shaykh al-Islam Imam Muhammad bin Sulaiman At-Tameemi (Rahimahumullah) and other scholars. We are mentioning you for briefly explaining the devastating works of those bodily activities, including explanatory explanations. So that you can warn others from being careful about those issues.
First: Shirk in the worship of Allah. Allah says:
"Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly gone far astray." [Nisa: 116]
Allah also says:
"They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers." [Surah Maidah: 72]
Of course, this shirk involves: Calling the dead, praying to them, forbidding them for sacrifice, and sacrificing animals. For example, if a person sacrificed for jinn or for a dead.
Second: people who place mediators between Allah and themselves and trust in them. This type of person is regarded as a disbeliever with all consent.
Third, Not denying the polytheists or the disbelievers as disbelievers or not suspecting them as disbeliever or thinking that their religion is correct.
Fourth: Believing that the other's ideal is more than the ideal of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Or believe that the provisions of another are better than the provisions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). (As if someone prefers the order of Tagut to the Prophet's law) that person will be regarded as a disbeliever.
Fifth, what revealed on prophet muhammad (Pbuh), if anyone see these with hatred. In this case, he will be regarded as a disbeliever, though he acts on the subject externally. Allah Ta'ala says:
"That is because they disliked what Allah revealed, so He rendered worthless their deeds''. [Surah Muhammad: 9]
Sixth, joke about any matter of religion or its reward or punishment. Allah ta'ala says:
"And if you ask them, they will surely say, "We were only conversing and playing." Say, "Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief. If We pardon one faction of you - We will punish another faction because they were criminals.. " [Surah Taawbah: 65-66]
Seventh: Magic-Tapping: One of the types of magic is by tantra-mantra to create ties between two people or breaking ties between them. Therefore, if a person does magic or will agree to it, he will be considered a disbeliever. Allah says:
"And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew. " [Surah Al-Baqarah: 102]

Eighth: Help the pagans to help against the Muslims. The words of Allah:
"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. " [Surah Maidah: 51]
Ninth :Allah says
"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. " [Surah Al-Imran: 85]
Tenth: Turning away from the religion of Allah. If you do not learn about it and do not do the work accordingly, the person of this kind of mind-man will also be regarded as a disbeliever. Allah Ta'ala says:
"And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord; then he turns away from them? Indeed We, from the criminals, will take retribution. " [Surah Sa'djah: 22]
If a person engages in all these, he will be considered as a disbeliever, though he or she does  all these things for doing  fun, or doing it with fear . If anyone is forced to do so, then the matter is different.  Therefore, it is a necessary duty on the Muslim person to beware of these things. We seek refuge in Allah from His wrath, and painful punishment. The blessings of Allah be on Muhammad PBUH, his family, and the Companions.
the person will be considered as disbelievers who believes that the constitution of the people is better than that of the Islamic Constitution, or at the same level or believe that it is permissible to summon the judgment before all those human laws, even though he thinks the Shari’ah best way of the rules.
Similarly, if someone believes that the rules of Islam are not suitable for implementation in this twentieth century. Or believe that this is basically the reason behind the Muslims being backward. If the person thinks that cutting thief's hand, stoning a married adulteress, and so on are not suitable for modern era will be considered among disbelievers.

We pray to Allah, that he should guide us and all the Muslims on the right path. Surely, He is the All-Hearer and the Near.

What is true 'Happiness'?!

Happiness is such a thing that we are all looking for today. Who does not want to be happy or does not want a beautiful life? But the question is, what does it mean to say a beautiful life?
There are some people who hate their life! They are always depressed and depressed. On the other hand, there are some people who enjoy their life, they are always happy and happy. But why is this? And what is the reason for happiness?
Many of us know that beautiful life in the Hereafter can be found in Paradise. But what will happen to this worldly life? Let us know, who gave us the life of this world,
What is the Almighty Allah (peace be upon him) saying about a beautiful life?
Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and we will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do...?” [Surah Nahl 97]
Everything we do in this life, maybe everything will prove to be a proof for you or there will be a documentary evidence against you. Every different moments, seconds, minutes, months, which we are passing away, which is going away from our lives, may make us closer to Allah, or vice versa, because of his displeasure, you will go  to hell.
When a person wakes up in the morning, does he not see? Before long, his body was frozen, sleeping! If someone calls to him, he cannot hear, maybe someone was sitting in front of him, he could not see, he did not even know what he thought about sleeping all night.
Who is the entity that awakened him again! Turned away the sight, who gave back hearing power, or the spirit? Who is the person who gave you good healthy health while many are suffering from various physical problems! Allah blesses us so much that we cannot but love him, Allah feed us, fresh fruits, fresh meat, drinks, food water, sunlight and much more!
We thank God by saying Alhamdulillah.
Allah says in the glorious Quran:
“And if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful” (Surah Nahl 18)
See what Allah in a wonderfully says in the Quran:
“It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and sent down rain from the sky and produced thereby some fruits as provision for you and subjected for you the ships to sail through the sea by His command and subjected for you the rivers.
And He subjected for you the sun and the moon, continuous [in orbit], and subjected for you the night and the day.
And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.” (Surah Ibrahim (32-34))
What does Allah want us to do?
Allah wants us to do the things that are necessary for us and that we are away from some of the things which he has forbidden. If someone thinks that obedience to God or attempts to draw closer to him, his life will become difficult, sadness will come, happiness will go away - these are wrong. Rather, they are misinterpreting the commandments of Allah SW.
Allah says:
“We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed.”(Surah Taha 2)
You are running out in search of happiness but you know what,
You can only 'enjoy life' only when you fulfill your obligations. Apart from the obedience of Allah, there is no enlightenment which will make your heart clean, or make it fair (fair). A person may have the way he enjoys the world, but there is no more 'enjoyable' than the obedience of Allah, so you can survive from the forbidden work.
You can only 'enjoy life' when you do what Allah has ordered you to do:  reciting Qur'an, praying, charity, etc. You will enjoy the companionship of the companions who are on the right path (method of work), studying the religion, teaching the people and even for the sake of Allah, they are spending money.
If you say something with your mouth or do any work by your body, wait a little, ask yourself, who gave you this body and life, has allowed you to do your will? Do you have his permission?
Whatever you do, the purpose should be to take you closer to him, not the purpose of getting closer to the mayor, the deputy commissioner, the MP, the President or the Prime Minister. Rather, the goal of all the work is to satisfy the interests of King of Kings. If you do not obey God in all areas of your life, you cannot have a beautiful life anymore. Sometimes you cannot be happy. You will always be skeptical, always suspicious, always be confused, worried and anxious. It will be seen, all your life will be spent on walking behind the gold deer called happiness, but you will not find happiness, life will be miserable. Your situation will be like this, 'I lost everything I had'.
The closer you get to God, the more you can 'enjoy life'.
If you perform one rka'at, fulfills all its ranks and conditions, then the peace and content you get will not be available for anything else. Happiness cannot be bought through all the wealth of the world.
So ask yourself, are you doing the things Allah has ordered you to do? Do you pray to Allah? To follow the prohibition of the halal food, the rules of dress, to work for the establishment of the caliph, to support the jihad, fight against the occupiers, obey the parents, and stay away from the works that are forbidden. Do you follow this?
Or you are doing what you like of these and you are not following which you find difficult?
Let us know, what are the obstacles in the path of attaining the proximity to Allah?
(1)    -Satan:
Stay away from those people or jinn, Satan, among them, avoid them.
They can only make you endangered and frustrated, and to keep away from the truth. Among the people, Satan is among the unbelievers, and their medium of Dawah is that you see every day on television, satellite channels, or whatever 'listening to' on the radio, they are doing exactly what you need to do to conserve some evil friends. You are spending time in your home on radio, TV songs, etc.; basically, the Satans are doing the same thing in your individual time just as a bad friend invites you to do bad things. Bad friends want to remind you of the latest fashion, the so-called star celebrities, their obscenity and the absurdity of the song, the music, where the drug addict 'star' is in anti-drug festival, they may sometimes send you links online, and in the same way they Excited for bad things.
Regrettably! You've got to find happiness.
2. To make an uneven opinion about Allah:
You've got to find happiness. But you cannot find it, because you have many evil thoughts about Allah and many other doubts about Him. When you invite people to Islam, invites Dawah, Salah, and other good charges, some people respond in reply, "... let me stay like me ... I do not want to make my life difficult by accepting them. I want to 'enjoy life’...
Those who are in doubt about Allah and do not thank God for His grace and grace
How can they get a peaceful, happy, beautiful life?
Allah says about them: "They did not understand Allah in truth". (Surah Joomla 67)
Those unbelievers believe that if they start following Islam, then their life will become difficult, they are actually misinterpreting Allah, they are on a wrong viewpoint. Therefore, to overcome these obstacles, you have to do the opposite work.
Stay away from the devil, come to Allah, and follow the Quran and Sunnah.
By accepting Islam, life will not be narrowed, but it will expand.
Islam has not been sent to narrow down human life. It has come to save people from the slavery of many Gods, to lead one to the obedience of God, has come to save you from the trouble, and brought you the search for lost happiness.

Therefore, if we go out of search for happiness, then we have to do it, leaving all the false doctrines and the false statues, start the journey towards Islam .Allah says, "Run towards the forgiveness of your Lord and to the Garden whose boundary is the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for the righteous." (Surah Al Imran 133)
May Allah Sw guides us towards paradise. Ameen

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Marriage: Dos and Don'ts

The importance of marriage in human life is immense. Marriage makes man responsible. Life brings comfort and tranquility through marriage, men and women are able to stay away from all sorts of wickedness. There is a continuation of human civilization in the world through marriage. In the legal and authorized way, people meet their biological needs only through marriage. In a way, there are great benefits and unavoidable benefits in marriage. It is said in the symbols of Allah that he created wives for you from you, and said, "Allah has made you wives for you." So that you may find peace with them. And he created love and mercy among you. Surely in this, there are signs for those who think.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 'You marry more loving and caring woman who gives you children because on the Day of Resurrection I will take pride in the prophets.
Therefore, it is important that marriage is an important religious practice. Therefore, when a person marries, he should get a clear idea of dos and don’ts of marriage.
Duties of marriage:
1- Put the right hand on the head of the wife's head in the house and read Dua: The Messenger of Allah () said, إذا أفاد أحدكم امرأة أو خادما أو دابة فليأخذ بناصيتها وليسم الله عز وجل وليقل اللهم إنى أسألك خيرها وخير ما جبلت عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما جبلت عليه 'If any of you benefits from a woman, servant or a carriage (marriage or purchase), then he should take the head of her head and read Bismillah and say, ('O Allah, I pray for welfare of this and its nature from you, and I seek refuge in the evil of this and its nature.'
2- Husband and wife praying two rak'ahs together: Narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "When the wife goes to her husband, the husband will stand up." And the wife will stand behind him. Then they will offer two rak'ah prayers together and will say, 'O Allah, bless me with my family and bless me in for the family. Give me sustenance from them, O Allah, and provide for them from Me. O Allah, keep us together as long as you keep us together for the betterment and divide between us when you break apart towards a better way.
 3-Intercourse with the wife: The following Sunnah, during the period of sexual intercourse,           is Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, لو أن أحدكم إذا أراد أن يأتي أهله فقال باسم الله اللهم جنبنا الشيطان وجنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا, فإنه إن يقدر بينهما ولد في ذلك لم يضره شيطان أبدا. 'If any of you say during intimating with wife, باسم الله اللهم جنبنا الشيطان وجنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا (O Allah, keep us away from Satan and keep away from what we are given.) if he is blessed with a child, Satan will never harm it. '
4-To abstain from prohibited time and place: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If anyone has intercourse with his wife when she is menstruating, or has intercourse with his wife through her anus, he has nothing to do with what has been sent down to Muhammad."
5- Ablution or bath before sleeping: After the intercourse bathing or doing ablution is good. Narrated by Ammar bin Yasar, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, 'The angels do not come to three people: the body of the disbeliever, the saffron user, and the unclean body, until he performs ablution.'
6- What is permitted with the wife during menstruation: Yes, the husband has the permission of all other behaviors except for vaginal intercourse with the wife when she menstruates. Everything is valid with the bathing after the wife becomes holy. Because Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, اصنعوا كل شيء إلا النكاح. '... Everything can be done but not intercourse.
7- Purifying marriage intentions: Both men and women should decide to save themselves from haram by marriage. They will get the reward of charity. Because Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, 'Your wife has a reward in her vagina. The disciples asked, "O Messenger of Allah, will any one of us satisfy his biological needs, and he will get a reward for it?" He said, 'Do you think that if he met this demand in an unlawful way, then he would not have committed any sin? (Certainly), so when he meets his biological needs by the lawful means, he is well-rewarded. '
8- Do not disclose the secret information of wife: Another act of a married person is not to disclose the secret information of the wife. Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, “On the Day of Resurrection, the person will be considered the worst person in the sight of Allah, that who gets close to his wife and then he preaches the secret.
9-Feast: Another Sunnah of marriage is the giving of food to the people. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) inspires this work. 
10- Accepting a wedding invitation: If a person invites a marriage, then he should accept the invitation of Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah () said, إذا دعي أحدكم إلى الوليمة فليأتها. 'When someone is invited to a wedding, he should take part in it.' In another Hadith, he said, ومن لم يجب الدعوة فقد عصى الله ورسوله 'And whoever did not accept the invitation, he would have disobeyed Allah and His Messenger.' But going to a wedding, where unlawful programs happen is not allowed. e.g: music, male female mix gathering and so on.
11- Pray for the newly married couple: For the new couple, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to make Dua for them. Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever a man got married, Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, بارك الله لك, وبارك عليك, وجمع بينكما في خير 'May Allah bless you, bless you and meet you in both good times.'
B. unlawful matters to be avoided on marriage:
1- Wearing ring: Nowadays, the tradition of changing ring like a non-Muslim has entered the Muslim wedding. Shaikh Albani RA. In the book 'Adabuz Yiphf', it says, 'In reality, the disbelievers' reverence is revealed only. Because it is the traditional custom of Christians.
 2- Wasting and showing off: Many people put a lot of debt on their shoulders when they show ruggedness and do waste in marriage. And it is done in a different way. Such as:
 A. The expensive invitation card print for the wedding.
B. Hire the hotel and community center.
C. Buying garment for the wedding only, which is never put on later.
D Dissolve food, waste food, throw away, etc. In fact, for the sake of the honor of the guests, these are mainly for the expression of wealth and nobility.
E. Dancers at the wedding ceremony pour lots of money under the feet but many people are dying without eating.
F. Spend a lot of money on girls behind dresses. To show the man, change the expensive clothes repeatedly to the wedding ceremony.
 Dear brothers and sisters, stop a little from these things. Protect yourself and take account of yourself before God takes account. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “The two feet of the son of Adam will not move from near his Lord on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about five (matters):- 1) about his life - how he spent it; 2) about his youth - how he took care of it; 3) about his wealth - how he earned it; 4) and where he spent it; 5) and about that which he acted upon from the knowledge that he acquired."

Ultimately, those who make every episode of their life in the form of the Qur'an and Sunnah and refrain from all kinds of prohibited acts, they are expected to be successful and Kamiyab. They will die with great fortune. In sha Allah .

21 surprising facts about Islam you must know

Ø  "Islam" signifies "surrender" or "accommodation". "Salam" (which signifies "peace") is the root expression of "Islam". In a religious setting "Islam" signifies "the surrendering of one's will (without impulse) to the genuine will of God with an end goal to accomplish peace"
Ø  There is an expected 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet, which is around 1/5 of the total populace. Because of birth and transformation rates. The conversion rate into Islam is very high in Europe and USA.
Ø  Muslims are found among practically all ethnic gatherings, nationalities, and nations. Islam is the world's quickest developing religion by the quantity of transformations consistently. The religion started in Arabia, yet today 80% of all devotees to Islam live outside the Arab world.
Ø  The Quran focuses on that there ought to be resistance amongst Muslims and non-Muslims. Islam shows that every individual is in charge of his or her activities. On Judgment Day, Muslims trust that everybody will be revived and must reply to God for each word, thought, and deed.
Ø  The essential convictions one must have kept in mind the end goal to be viewed as a Muslim incorporate a confidence in 1) the One God; 2) every one of the prophets of God, say, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jacob, Issac, Muhammad (pbuh).
Ø  Muslim researcher Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), who was conceived in A.D 965, detailed the logical technique and has been alluded to as "the world's initially genuine researcher." He is likewise frequently viewed as the principal hypothetical physicist.
Ø  Cosmology was imperative to Muslims since it could be utilized to make sense of the bearing of Mecca with the goal that individuals knew which approach to confronting amid petitions. This is one example that the Western world is still stuck by Muslim advancements.
Ø  One hadith (saying or deed of prophet Muhammad pbuh) is "Allah is wonderful and adores magnificence" Beauty has dependably been, subsequently, critical to Muslims, and improvements in the visual expressions, for example, design, calligraphy, painting, materials, metal work, and pottery were energized. In any case, as a result of strict laws against worshipful admiration, customary Islamic craftsmanship maintained a strategic distance from pictures of people or creatures.
Ø  Islam was actualized in Spain for more than six hundred years in which it brought peace and soundness. Mosques and structures in Islamic Spain additionally had probably the loveliest engineering outlines, for instance, the Alhambra Palace.
Ø  Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are Islam's three heavenly urban communities. 33% of the Quran talks about past prophets and critical figures like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mary and so on .
Ø  It is a great miracle that Quran is the most memorized book on the planet. There are various Muslims who don't convey in Arabic as their first dialect yet has held the whole Quran. For sure, even children as young as four or five have recollected the Quran off by heart.
Ø  The Quran has not been altered or fabricated since its revelation 1400 years ago. Thomas Jefferson, one of the setting up fathers of America had his own special copy of the Quran which he used to examine
Ø  Islam concentrates on the centrality of being kind to any person. Honestly the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that "Paradise lies underneath the feet of your mother". He moreover said that being minding to ones Watchmen is the second most venerated act by God.
Ø  Muslims assume that Islam, or quiet convenience to God, was the message of Abraham and, in this way, Islam really backpedals to the Abraham, who lived before Muhammad (seventh century A.D.)
Ø  In the midst of the Middle Ages, the Muslim world had two immense business central focuses: 1) they had an enormous extent of contacts, so they could trade everything structure African gold to Chinese porcelain to European brilliant and stows away, and 2) Muslim craftsmanship pros were exceptionally skilled, which suggested their stock continually found a readied showcase. In past Yugoslavia, more than 200,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed as an element of an unfathomable ethnic-decontaminating exertion in the mid-1990s
Ø  About 5– 8 million Muslims live in the United States, and there are more than 1,200 mosques. Muslims have been a bit of the social scene in America as far back as two hundred years.
Ø  Muslims don't believe in the possibility of exceptional sin, so there is no philosophical necessity for the all-giving repentance give up of Jesus through his execution and restoration. Muslims believe we will be viewed as dependable before God for our own specific exercises and responsible for our own salvation.
Ø  Islam does not have a designated service or delegates of an assembly levels of leadership in the way that Christianity does. Any Muslim can lead the supplication or direct at a wedding. In any case, each mosque has an imam or the individual who "stays in front" to supplicate and pass on the sermon.
Ø  Jesus is a basic figure in the Quran. Muslim believe that Jesus was born without any father which is another miracle of God. Muslims do not believe in trinity.however Muslims don't trust Jesus is the Son of God. He is one in the long line of commendable prophets and second just to Muhammad in hugeness. For Muslims, the possibility of the Trinity addresses a kind of polytheism.
Ø  To wind up perceptibly Muslim, a man of any race or culture must express an essential announcement, or philosophy: the Shahada, which stands firm concerning the trust in the quirk of God and in Muhammad as His prophet
Ø  The Quran communicates that "There is to be no drive in religion" and that God has made not one yet rather various nations and society.

The history of Rohingya Muslims and unknown stories of Muslim torture in Arakan in Myanmar

Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar is the world's most heartbreaking individuals. Some time ago, the individuals who had an autonomous state, power, and impact are presently casualties of the barbaric torment of psychological militant Buddhists. The historical backdrop of the destiny of the Muslim populace of Myanmar will drive anybody out. Arakan was one of the main places in which Muslim pilgrims created in the primary sub-landmass and south-eastern Asia. Rohingyas are descendants of Arakanese Muslim. At one time autonomous Muslim states were built up in Arakan.
Muslim manage set up in 1430 which goes on for more than two hundred years. From 1631 to 1635 there was an extraordinary starvation in Arakan. At that point, the finish of Muslim governs arrived at an end. In 1660, Arakan King Thandathudhamma murdered the Mughal Emperor Shahjada Suja, his family, in his kingdom. At that point started his barbarous brutal torment on Muslims mistreatment. Muslims spend around three and a half years in such a hopeless circumstance.

In 1780, the Burmese King caught the Bodapova Arakan. He was additionally an incredible Muslim devotee. The Burmese ruler kept on devastating Muslims. Burma went to British run in 1828. In any case, after the obtaining of Burma independence in 1937, Buddhist's arranged mutual mobs took an enormous shape and they murdered about 3 million Muslims. Burma picked up autonomy in 1948. In any case, the destiny of the Muslim people group has not changed. They are let go by bad fortune. The administration of free nations did not give human rights to avoid their citizenship.

The Rohingya Muslims have been compelled to take shield the world over, including the neighboring Bangladesh, in the wake of being assaulted by Nasaka powers and Buddhists. They are the world's non-nationals. In 1982 the Myanmar government crossed out the citizenship of Rohingya Muslims and authoritatively alluded to them as 'inhabitant'. They don't have the privilege to vote. There is no sacred and social rights. The inhabitant outsiders in their own nation. They can not abandon authorization in different regions of Myanmar. At once where the Rohingya were the dominant part, they are a minority today. Rakhine Buddhists have been made Muslim minority.
The recently propelled Muslim Massacre battle :
The Muslim Rohingyas began dissents in various regions of Jumuabah in a challenge of the death, and there was a wild uproar.

A Rakhine instructor of Ramaibi town of Akiyab, Myanmar, was slaughtered in a conflict amongst gatekeepers and educators, and an educator passed on because of the situation of the understudies. Rakhain adolescents beat 10 Rohingya Muslims, including the vehicle aide, beat them, subsequent to achieving Tanggu on June 3, on a path to a Rohingya Muslim Yangon from Akiyab town. The tigers escorted the strategies to the tigbu.

Subsequent to challenging the murdering of the savage death and the trial, on June 5, after the petitions of Zuhr and Asar, Muslims dissented in Yangon city. In this occurrence, the best Muslim pioneers in Yangon meet in the dread of spreading brutality in the entire of Arakan state. On Friday, June 8, the Jumuar petition was chosen to keep Muslims together and keep the peace. As indicated by the choice, on June 8, the admirers of Jumu'ah began assembling in the entire Arkan. Amid the Jumuar petitions in the mosque of the city of Maungdaw, Maungdaw began tossing stones at mosques and admirers from Buddhists United Hotels.

At that point, the Rakhain Buddhists mutually began assaulting Muslims. A large number of Muslims began suffering Mosque-madrassa, the houses began consuming. Within the sight of armed force, police and Nasaka powers, the Rakhine Buddhists are conveying slaughters of Muslims by issuing a check in time with the administration. Struggle and flames are running occasions. Investigators have remarked on the current mobs that have gone to the media in not more than a few moments of atypical endeavor to shroud data. Since the news of the uproars has gotten away from the reality of the mobs and the genuine wellspring of the mobs has been maintained a strategic distance from. The nation's media is under the control of Buddhists due to their predominance. Muslims or Rohingyas don't have similar tastes there.

One Burmese native said in the report, executing Rohingya is something worth being thankful for. In the interim, police have been captured promptly alongside the individuals who have been accused of assault. Be that as it may, Buddhist Rakhainas assaulted minority Rohingyas by intimating the striking back of the counter. Assault is deplorable, yet its retribution must be so merciless? Again the Rohingya plighted a similar inquiry. Why did they contradict the furnished clash in the challenge? There is no other option to take shelter in the authentic setting to discover answers to both of these inquiries. It will be replied in the battle for the foundation of religion and ethnic storm cellar. Considering the idea of the current mobs in Myanmar, it is seen that despite the fact that the Rohingya are minorities, their number is not low. However, the genuine number has never been uncovered by the Myanmar government. Myanmar specialists recognized them as illicit workers. It is clear from the quote from the present illustrative of Myanmar named by the United Nations, Ye Myint Aung.

He alluded to Muslim Rohingyas as 'wild and uncouth'. What's more, since 1982, the Myanmar government has recuperated from Rohingya Moreover, since 1982 Myanmar government has proclaimed Rohingya exiles. Their nation's citizenship is not given. It is said by the legislature that they are originating from Bengali starting point of the Bengali populace. Myanmar has nothing to do with them. Keeping in mind the end goal to set up that supposition, the Myanmar Government has done such brutal torment, with the goal that they are compelled to leave the nation or to acknowledge subjugation. In perspective of this fragile circumstance, the San Francisco Frontierians said that Rohingyas are with sickening dread in the rundown of terminated indigenous individuals from the world. In addition, after the foundation of the military run, the level of torment on 135 indigenous gatherings of Myanmar, including the Rohingya people group, has expanded. Be that as it may, according to Buddhist enthusiast military junta, Rohingya Muslims are thought to be progressively populated.

Thus, they were kicked out of their homes to keep the investment of Muslim indigenous individuals in the energy of the state. Rohingyas are for the most part called privately called 'Hues'. In perspective of the current mobs, quotes can be cited from a content distributed in Myanmar's The Voice. There a peruser wrote as he would see it, "We should murder or wreck the hues, generally the presence of Buddhism from this nation will be eradicated." From such references, it is effectively comprehended that Burmese and Rohingya are religiously logic and autonomous. The lion's share Burmese need Buddhist run to be set up. In the light of the hypothesis, Rohingya is known as little and remote. Naidu's legislature trusts that there is no place in the nation's current improvement.

They were distinguished as foes of Myanmar and Buddhists. Not just this, they are not relied on the subject of nationality. That is, the acknowledgment of the nationality of Myanmar under the uniform banner is not perceived. Accordingly, they need to spend their life in living.

As indicated by the most recent one, about three lakh outcasts are living in Rohingya in Bangladesh. In any case, they are not Bangladeshi residents, they are universally perceived. Therefore, the administration of Bangladesh has asked them to clear out. Yet, they are not ready to come back to their nation of origin by the blockades of Myanmar fringe. In this circumstance, the character of the Rohingya has come in the condition of the country. Additionally, the Arakan district has a dominant part in the area, yet the administration has defined a system to counteract it. Muslims are not permitted to wed before 25 years. What's more, for the Rohingyas, the authorization has been made to enlist before marriage. Thus, they lived in their nation of origin. What's more, this merciless torment has made them vindictive. Rohingyas have exploded quite a while in outrage.

Then again, amid the 1700s, a free sultan of the city of Amiruq, Arakan, known as Asia's popular exchange city, was a Muslim. So history affirms that Rohingya and different indigenous Muslims of the nation are not an inhabitant or flyer in Myanmar. They additionally have rich past. Conversely, a large number of Chinese evacuees have been living in the nation for quite a long time. Myanmar government has excused their seven murders simply because they are Buddhists. The religious agreement has been blended with the neighborhood individuals. No revolt has ever been made against this. In any case, the general population of Rohingya and other Muslim indigenous groups live in an outside nation living in their own particular nation. Apparently, their psychological militant exercises are just lectured, their rights are always remembered. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi did not discuss Rohingyas' rights So Rohingya Muslim indigenous individuals are presently undesirable in Myanmar. Be that as it may, despite everything they trust in Muslim cognizance in building up their rights. Subsequently, strife is unavoidable, its proof is blended with late uproars.

19 rights of child that you must know

Allah has made human life balanced and attractive through children. He can understand only this blessing who does not have children. Those whom Allah has given the sons and daughters have been entrusted with a great responsibility. The biggest failure for parents is that if the child cannot develop idealistically. Because Abu Hurairah came to the hadith narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him), he said: The Messenger of Allah () said,
Each newborn baby was born on the basis of Islam. Then his parents made him a Yahwadi, a nasara or idolaters [Sahih Bukhari: 1358].
The children's rights on us are discussed here:
1. Azan is given in the ear: after coming to the world, bathing and cleaning it, Azan is to be given in his right ear, whether it be a boy or a girl. This is an important responsibility for parents, to deliver the sound of God's supremacy to the child, and to keep the devil awake so that he cannot harm him. Hadith came,
Abu Rafi (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I saw Messenger of Allah (PBUH) calling Azan in the ears of Hasan bin Ali [Sunan Abu Daud: 5105]
2. Put a nice name: Choosing a beautiful name for a child is one of the responsibilities of parents. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) changed many ugly names. [Abu Dawud 495- 4961]
3. Akkikah: One of the issues of Islamic culture is the child's Akkikah. On behalf of the boy, two goats and one goat on behalf of the girl will be sacrificed in the name of Allah.
4. Charity: whether it is a son or a daughter, it is Sunnat to cut hair on the seventh day and to give silver as a charity according to the quantity of the hair. Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, On behalf of him, sacrificed the goat and said, O Fatima! Shave his head and give him silver money. [Shunan al-Tirmidhi: 1519] Besides, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to do Dua for the Tahnik and give blessings to the children with dates. [Sahih Bukhari: 3909; Muslim: 216]
5. Circumcision: circumcision is one of the Sunnah for boys. Came to the hadith,
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Hasan and Hussein had done Akkikah and circumcision on the seventh day of their birth. [Al-muhammadul ausat: 6708]
6. Teaching Tauhid: From the time the child starts talking, he will be taught Tauhid of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him)
“Hey boy! I want to teach you some sentences. You will take care of the rights of Allah, and Allah will take care of you. You will take care of the rights of Allah, you will always be in front of him. Whenever you want something, you will ask Allah. And when you seek help, you will ask Allah. Know it! If the whole nation is united to benefit you, then you will not be able to benefit yourself, only you can do as much as Allah has written for you. And if the whole nation is united to harm you, then you will not be able to do any harm, only you can do as much as Allah has written for you. The pen has finished writing and the papers have dried up. [Tirmidhi: 2516]
7. Teaching Quran: From childhood, the child should be taught the Quran. Because it is obligatory to teach the Quran. Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: He taught you three things to your children. Among them are the teachings of Quran recite the Quran and the knowledge of the Quran. [Jaimul Kabir]
There is no better work than teaching the Quran. Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
"The best person among you is the one who teaches the Qur'an and teaches the other." [Sahih Bukhari: 5027]
8. It is an important right that parents will teach their children prayer and practice prayer. Came to the hadith,
Amr bin Shu'ayb (May Allah be pleased with him) reported his father from his grandfather, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "When you are seven years old, give instructions to your children." And at the age of ten, beating soft for the prayer and varying in the bedroom. [Sunan Abu Dawood: 495]
9. Teaching Etiquettes: Teaching children to behave well is a very important duty for parents. Luqman alaihis salam said to his child, 'Do not turn away from your face to man. And do not go about proudly in the earth; Surely Allah does not like any arrogant. And meditate on your way, lower your voice; surely the worst sound is the voice of the donkey. '[Surah Luqman 18, 19]
10. Give love and affection: Do love your Children and love them warmly. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) kissed Hasan bin Al-'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and said, at that time'Akra ibn Habish (may Allah be pleased with him) was also present. He started saying, "I have ten children, but I have never loved my children." Allah's Messenger (pbuh) looked at him and said, "Allah does not have mercy on anyone who does not have mercy on others." [Sahih Bukhari: 5997]
11. Teaching knowledge of the religion: It is prescribed for the child to teach the knowledge of God. Because if he does not know the knowledge of religion, he will be confused and involved in the sufferers. Hadith has arrived-
Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "It is obligatory for every Muslim to learn. [Sunan Ibn Majah: 224]
12. Raising until adulthood: Children need to be raised until they reach adulthood.
Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I asked the Prophet (pbuh) that if I spend the money for the children of Abu Salam, then what is the reward for me? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'Yes, you will be rewarded for as long as you spend it. [Sahih Bukhari: 5369]
13. Enabling: Enabling children in such a way that they can qualify to earn. Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me, It is better than leaving your children to be able and supportive, leaving them poor and hungry in their hands is not good. [Sahih Bukhari: 1295]
14. Marriage: Marriage in the manner of Sunnah and performing all the functions of marriage and arranging for marriage at the appropriate time is the duty of parents. From Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him), it has been stated that surely the child is in the throes of his father, and if he is an adult, a father should arrange a marriage for him. [Jaimul Kabir]
15. Directed on the path of religion: One of the responsibilities of parents is to guide the children on the path of religion, to the Quran and Sunnah, and to get used to the practice of religion. The Quran has come,
Say, 'this is my way. I call to Allah in knowledge and those who follow me, too. God is great, and I am not one of the polytheists. [Surah Yusuf: 108]
16. Justice among children: Children expect justice from parents and justice between them is an important issue. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) specifically warned: "Fear Allah and do justice among your children". [Sahih Bukhari: 2587]
17. Abstain from non-acceptance of Islam: If they do not stop them from doing anything that Islam does not allow, then this child will stand against their parents in Qiyamah. The Quran has come,
O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your family from the fire of hell. [Surah At-Tahrim-6]
And the disbelievers will say, "Show us those who have led us astray among our Lord, the jinn and the people." We will put both of them under our feet so that they may be among the lowest. [Surah Ha-Meem Assezdah-29]
18. Abstaining from sin, self-indulgence, impudence, untowardness: With the coming of the world, Satan conspires to take him in different ways, differently, through clothing, in a different fashion, in different designs, to the name of various education. So parents must be careful and alert about this. Allah said,
O you who believe, some of your husband and wife and children are your enemies. Therefore, take care of them. And if you forgive and forgive and forgive, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Surah taabaaban -14]
19. Doaa: Doa for our children. Allah has taught us Doa, in this way,
The righteous people of Allah, those who say, 'Our Lord, give us wives and children who will cool our eyes.' And make us the leaders of the righteous. [Surah Alfurqan-74]

May Allah guides us towards righteous way. Ameen

16 Etiquette of talking to people you must know

16 Etiquette of talking to people you must know
In dealing with others, Islam has created some rules that should be followed by a Muslim, it should always be firmly believed that he should be accountable for what he says and he will be rewarded for good words and punished for evil.
In verse 18 of Surah Qaf, Allah Almighty says, which means," Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]."
The Prophet (pbuh) warned us that it is very dangerous. According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, in a Sahih Hadith narrated in the Reva, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "A person may say something that is pleasing to Allah, and he does not think too much about it, but Allah gives importance to it and the end for that He is pleased with him on the day of judgement. And a person speaks that it is disliked to Allah but he does not take it seriously, but Allah will be angry at him on the Day of Judgment. "
Conversations can be dangerous. So we will try to control it through the guidance of the Islamic Rule, Allah and His Messenger. Here are some ways to control speech
1. The purpose of your talk should be great and beneficial. If you are unable to speak well, then you should adopt silence, because it is good for you. In a Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment should be good while talking or keep silent."
2. Strive to be truthful and refrain from lying, because the believer is always truthful and does not even resort to falsehood even when doing fun. The Messenger (peace be upon him), narrated in Bukhari and Muslim, says: "You will speak the truth because the truth leads to honesty and honesty leads to Paradise. The person who always speaks the truth and holds the truth, he is considered to be truthful with Allah. Stay away from lying, because the false direction leads to evil and evil is the way of hell. Whoever stays in falsehood and intends to lie, he is regarded as a liar with Allah. "
3. Be careful while talking to whispering, refrain from disobedience to Allah by your words of cheating or wholly, because Allah hates disobedience, curse. Unobtrusive talk is the kind of speech that reveals disobedience to Allah, and cursed speech is to curse others, not to give attention and to hurt others. That is why the Prophet (pbuh) warned us in a Sahih Hadith: "The believer does not blame anyone, does not curse, does not disobey Allah or cheat others."
In another Sahih Hadith he says: "Curse for a Muslim is involved in disobedience." Curse of the deceased is prohibited as it is forbidden and curse on living is also prohibited. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has forbidden us to say: "Do not curse the dead, because they have passed through their earthly deeds." In another Sahih Hadith, he forbids us to say: "Always talk good about the dead."
 4. Refrain from gibah (libel) (in some absence of anything that is said in her presence, she gets hurt) and do not be coward against one another. Stay away from saying Namimah (this is the talk of spreading hatred towards one another), because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in a Sahih Hadith: "He who practices the Namimah cannot enter Paradise."
5. Refrain from taking oath without requiring.  Says: "Do not use Allah's name as a shield for your oaths." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 224)
6. Talk according to your knowledge and skills and do not talk about what you do not know. Allah says: "You do not have any knowledge about which you have no knowledge." (Surah Al-Israah: 36)
7. Speak confidently, do not say what you hear without verifying and confirmation, because you can hear false and true and suspicious conversation from others. If you listen to what you hear, then you will be the sharer of sin. In the Sahih Hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) warned us thus: "It is sufficient for a person to commit sins, so he preaches what he hears."
8. Explain the purpose of saying something while making a conversation with others that make sure that your point of view is to reach the truth and disclose a false statement. And do not be enthusiastic about whether you or someone else has reached the truth or whether it is false.
9. Avoid getting involved in any unnecessary issues (whose main purpose is to defame others or win over others). For this reason, in a Sahih Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned: "They have gone astray despite receiving guidance from God, because they were involved in unnecessary reasoning."
Avoid discussing unnecessarily, though the truth is in your favor. In another Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Abu Daud, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I guarantee a house surrounded by a paradise for the person who does not engage in unnecessary debate despite being correct."
10. Make your statement clear and refined, and avoid the uncomfortable words and avoid unnecessary speech, and do not say anything that would disturb others, because the Prophet (pbuh) used to hate this kind of speech. In a Sahih Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I hate those people, and they will be far away from me on the Day of Resurrection, who speak unnecessarily and condemn others when he talks."
 11. Make your speech understandable, clear, audible, and to others. The Prophet (pbuh) used to repeat the words three times to make sure that it was understandable, but his speech was easy so that everyone could understand.
12. Do not be ridiculed: Be sincere in talking and do not make much mockery, and if you do, try to be truthful like Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
13. Do not disturb him while talking to anyone and keep listening until he completes his speech, and later on, he can make important and important aspects of the good and beneficial aspects of his speech, not that you will talk unnecessarily.
14. Talk and debate, which is beautifully deprived of harm, injury,  and ridicule towards others. All messenger have ordered to use this kind of speech. At the time of sending Moses and his brother Aaron to Pharaoh, Allah said: "When you are presenting your guidance, you will speak humbly with him, maybe he will accept your advice or he will fear me." Surah :Taha 44)
So you are not better than Moses or 'Haroon (peace be upon him), or the one with whom you speak is worse than the Pharaoh.
15. Do not completely exclude someone's statement only because you have found a combination of right and wrong and true or false in his statements. You will accept the truth and the correct statement and only exclude evil and falsehood, and this is the fair order of God to us.
16. Stay away from over self-confidence; Do not present yourself as a supplement or a decision in front of a person, because it is the result of arrogance, which Allah has forbidden us, through the verse 32 of Surah An-Najm, "Therefore do not provoke your hypocrisy. He knows well who is moderate. "

May Allah guide us towards straight path.