Few facts about Hazz according to Islam ( Part 2)

Hazz is one of the five pillars of Islam without which a person’s religious commitment is incomplete if he or she is mentally, physically and financially capable of performing it.
Today, let us know about types of Hazz. I have tried to present it in such a way that you could understand easily.

It is called advantageous Hazz(wazib hazz)
enjoyable hazz.
It is the obligation of those who live in or within 48 miles of Makkah. Say Jeddah.
Qiran means to combine two things.
A pilgrim who performs Hazz-ul-Tamattu combines both Umrah and Hazz.
The person who performs Hazz-ul-Ifrad is called a Mufrid.
A pilgrim who performs this kind of Hazz combines Hazz and Umrah.
The pilgrim performing it is called Mutamatti.
A Mufrid does not combine Umrah with their Hazz.
The pilgrim performing it is called Qarin.
That is why it has been said advantageous Hazz.
Hazz-ul-Ifrad is the only kind of Hazz allowed for the residents of Makkah and the Hills (those who reside between Miqaat and the precincts of Haraam) for example Jeddah.

It can only be done by those living outside the Miqaat.

Here, slaughtering of an animal is obligatory.
A Mufrid is required to enter the state of Ihram with the intention of doing Hazz only.
The Qarin should enter the state of Ihram with the intention of performing Umrah and Hazz together.
Ihram must be worn at one of the Meqaats.
When a mufrid reaches Mecca, he performs Tawaf for his arrival and Sa’y for Hazz known as Tawaf al Qudum (the arrival circuit). It is permissible for him to postpone his Sa'y for Hazz until after his Tawaf for hazz.
When he reaches Mecca, he performs Tawaf for his arrival and Sa'y for Hazz.
Tawaf round the Ka'ba.
 A Mufrid may offer an animal sacrifice if he wants to, but he is under no obligation to do so.
The Qarin should clip his hair after Umrah instead of shaving it.
prayer (Salah) after the Tawaf.Sa’y between Safa and Marwah. Sa'y is a search. It is a movement with an aim. It is depicted by running and hurrying
. Taqseer, that is, to remove some hair of the head, beard or moustache.
 Animal sacrifice is not obligatory.
Must offer an animal sacrifice which he brought along with him from the boundaries known as the Miqaat.

May Allah grant us all to perform Hazz once in our lifetime .Ameen.


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