Few facts to know about Hazz (Part 1)

Hazz is one of the five "pillars" of Islam. Muslims should make the pilgrimage, if they are physically and financially able to make the journey to Mecca.
Any person can do Hazz if he or she meets the following aspects:  
Maturity and sound mind:
The person who wants to perform Hazz needs to be of sound mind, not the lunatic one.
Physical capability
He or she must have physical and mental capability to carry on rituals.
Financial capability:
He or she must have financial capability to carry on rituals.
Free of debt
He or she should be free of all debts.
Dressing up for Hazz should be like these two

 Note: If all the above requirements are met, performing the pilgrimage is obligatory once in his lifetime.
Few facts about Hazz:

1. Hazz occurs on the 8th to 12th of Dhul Hizzaah, the last month of the Islamic calendar.

2. Muslims who have performed Hajj are called Hajjis. Some even add the title in front of their name to denote their accomplishment.

3. Muslims who have performed Hajj are called Hajjis. Some even add the title in front of their name to denote their accomplishment.

4. During Hajj, men are required to dress in Ihram which is basically two pieces of white sheets they wrap themselves up with. Women are required to dress normal stay in Hijab.

5. Pilgrims stay at Mount Arafat then move to Muzdalfah and Mina where they perform the stoning ritual at the zamaraat.

6. Mount Arafat is where Prophet Muhammad PBUH delivered his final sermon in which he preached on how men should treat women; that all Muslims are brothers and should stay united.

                              Time of Hazz This Year

Pilgrims can go to Mecca to perform the rituals at any other time of the year. This pilgrimage is known as Umrah and, Hazz takes place on fixed Islamic dates. May Allah grant us to perform this holy pilgrimage once in our lifetime. Ameen.


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